Name a star for someone

  • Whether it’s to celebrate a newborn coming into the world, pay tribute to someone who’s meant a great deal to you, or memorialize a loved one who’s passed on, dedicating a star in their name is a great way to commemorate a friend or family member. 
  • You can find many companies online who will do this for you. However, you should be aware that the only association that can officially name a star is the International Astronomical Union and they do not recognize or give any authority to the star naming businesses out there. The gift idea is still a wonderful one, but just be aware that the whole process is completely unofficial. 
  • Stars work nicely into our Nature and Science Lover themes but don’t be afraid to think outside the box:
    • Get outside and stargaze on with our Dark & Stormy Night theme. 
    • The word “star” can refer to a celestial body but also a famous celebrity. Take your giftee out to a movie and use our Arts & Culture theme. 

Gift Idea above not quite right? How about one of these?