

  • This is a very general theme so it could be used for anyone.
  • You can give gifts representing each season, or just focus on one.
  • This could be a great gift around new years because it can represent the year to come.
  • Each gift could be wrapped in it’s season. For example, put a picture of a snowman on the winter gift, rain and flowers on the spring one, etc.
  • Try wrapping the gift in last years calendar pages.
  • Make your own snowflakes for the winter gift.
  • Don’t have time to wrap anything? Just grab a piece of clothing from each season and use it as makeshift gift wrap (eg: spring: rain coat, summer: bathing suit, autumn: flannel shirt, winter: winter jacket).
  • Save the gift you’re most excited to give for last
  • Have your gifttee close their eyes and guess the season based on clues like sprinkling water on them or the sounds of rain (spring), blowing hot air on them with a blow dryer or the sounds of a waves on a beach (summer), crinkling dried up leaves in their hands (autumn) and holding an ice cube (winter).
  • Use quotes or phrases that relate to your theme when you present the gifts or in your card. For example: 
    • I hope this gift puts a “spring” in your step. Happy birthday!
    • When I think about happiness, thoughts of you spring to mind. 
    • Every time I see you, I “fall” in love all over again. Happy anniversary!
    • My love for you is always in season. 
    • A gift for all seasons, for the man/woman of all seasons.


Create your own custom card to go with your seasons theme!