1st Anniversary

Here’s some ideas for the inaugural wedding anniversary

  • Traditional 1st anniversary gifts include paper, cotton, clockscarnations and mother of pearl. These could be incorporated into your theme.
    • Paper products (scrapbooksand paper, printer paper).
    • Try our Rock, Paper, Scissors theme.
    • Cotton could cover anything from cotton swabs to clothing and bedding.
    • Watchesclocks, stop watches (or a phone that has all these features).
    • Give your partner carnations in their favourite colour (caution advised with this one, many women feel carnations are a cheap form of roses. AKA: redneck roses).
    • Any jewelry with mother of pearl. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it: it’s the smooth shining iridescent substance forming the inner layer of shells, especially oysters and abalones.
  • 1 is the atomic number for hydrogen. It’s the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It makes up 90% of the sun and ⅔ of water. Give a gift that incorporates sun and water (eg: a trip to the beach). 
  • The 1st century is associated with many historical events that could be incorporated into your gift. For instance, the Colosseum was built to house public events in Rome. Take your giftee to a local “Colosseum” to see an event. Or take them to see artifacts from that period at your local museum.
  • Check out our general anniversary theme for more ideas around gifts, wrapping and presentation. 
